Washboards were originally used to wash clothes!!! Before washing machines were invented, some cultures rubbed their clothes against rocks in a stream. As you can imagine, their clothes wore out quite quickly, not from wearing but from washing. After a time, the washboard was invented. It is a board with a corregated piece of metal attached to it. The clothes were rubbed against the metal and thus loosening the dirt without so much wear on the clothes. Some fine person, while playing music on their front porch, picked up their washboard and rubbed a spoon against it creating a great percussion sound. Thus, the washboard as a percussion instrument was born.
Firewood Band often uses a washboard when playing for an audience. We either bring up people to play with us and give them a washboard or when playing close and personal on the porch of the Andrus house at This is the Place Park, we have them available for anyone to use.